Apart from The Bus, I also particularly recommend the gallery of Art from Ancient Times. The collection of art work on the vases is better than I remember from the British Museum. The Museum website has this example.
Non-flash photography is allowed, but, unless you have very stable hands, you will need a tripod for decent pictures. I didn't realise photography was allowed until late, but took a few pictures where I thought they might come out. One of these, balancing the camera on a chair, was of a dark, presumably uncleaned, picture that was not easy to make out in the light. I've noticed before how photography can enhance these, so I thought I'd try some quick restoration work. I don't know who it's by, but even the basic photo is an improvement.
Just using Picasa, I then straightened and cropped it and added a bit of shadow. Pretty good, I reckon.
I then used Picasa's neutral colour picker on the bright light. I suspect some of this colouring really results from the gallery lighting, but who knows?
Pretty good, anyway, but a little more adjustment might be need (or not, I'm not sure).
The picture in the gallery looked to the naked eye more like:
The Museum has, of course, a number of paintings by Jacek Malczewksi, possibly Poland's most lover painter, whose pictures are often great fun. One of several pictures of the same title, Śmierć (Death of) Eellenai I think this is the one in the Warsaw Museum.
I rather suspect that the range of Malczewski's works in Warsaw typifies the greatest weakness in Poland's national art and artefact collection, although it is at the same time, one of its greatest strengths. You can't really find a single place where you can go and appreciate the full range of the greatest works available. On the other hand, probably every major city has something worth visiting. How many pieces do the great public London Museums and Galleries have in storage?
'Lover painter'? It may well be true, so I haven't corrected it to make Malczewksi, 'Poland's most loved painter', as I had originally intended. (D and R are next to each other on the keyboard.)
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