Monday 30 August 2010

Polish Building Sites in Bloom

At the end of July, the colour of the season was white. The local pair of white storks can just be seen in the top right hand corner of the photo.
From 2010 07

Perhaps it doesn't look like a building site, but the ground is part of the Belina Estate in Młochów (see However, building has been in abeyance after completion of the first phase of development at the end of 2008, just in time to miss the housing boom and get caught by its collapse. Houses can be seen below.

Last year, the earth from building work piled to the left were more obvious and host to a bright display of red poppies.
From 2009 06 Mlochow

To be honest, the colour of the season over the last few days has been closer to grey, but when the sun shone earlier last week it was glorious yellow.
From 2010 08

I think the predominant flower is called goldenrod, but I could be quite wrong. There are other yellow flowers in abundance, though.

These pictures were taken when walking down Middle Road (ul. Środkowa) in Rusieć, pronounced Rooshets. Calling this a 'building site' is a slight exaggeration, although it all seems to be land ready and waiting for private house building. There are already a scattering of houses built and in the process of being built. Some are visible below.

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